President’s Letter: January 31, 2025

Dear Colleagues and Friends,

As I write my final President’s Letter, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude and humility. Serving as the 54th President of our distinguished association has been an incredible honor, and I am deeply appreciative of the trust and support each of you has shown me. The American College of Legal Medicine, with its roots stretching back to 1955 and formal incorporation in 1960, has stood as a beacon of excellence in the intersection of law and medicine, and it is a privilege to have been part of this journey.


Looking ahead, I am excited for the upcoming Annual Meeting of the Fellows on March 1, 2025, at 5:30 PM, at the Hilton University of Houston. This will be an opportunity to reflect on the accomplishments we’ve achieved over the past year, while also sharing the plans and initiatives we have on the horizon. I look forward to joining many of you in Houston for what promises to be an insightful and engaging event.

As some of you may know, the American Medical Association (AMA) is currently soliciting applications for candidates to fill vacancies on the AMA councils for 2025. ACLM will be your sponsoring organization. For information, please visit the AMA Council and Committee Applications page. If you are interested, I encourage you to email info@ACLM.org. The deadline for the application is March 17, 2025. Our ACLM AMA Delegate, Dr. Ellia Ciammaichella, is available to coordinate this process.

Additionally, Ellia and Dr. Elizabeth Valencia, AMA Alternate Delegate, will hold a roundtable meet-up during the Sunday breakfast at the conference to discuss ACLM’s AMA priorities. This will provide attendees with the opportunity to engage in collaborative discussions on shaping ACLM’s involvement within the AMA.

In addition, I want to highlight an important event at our 2025 Annual Conference: the American Board of Legal Medicine (ABLM) will hold an Introductory Session at 5:00 PM on Friday, February 28, 2025. This one-hour session will offer insights into ABLM certification, and all attendees will receive a complimentary copy of the 2025 ABLM Board Review Exam & Study Guide eBook. ABLM Chair Dr. Peter Rheinstein and Executive Director Dr. Sandy Sanbar, strongly encourage all members to attend.

I’m also pleased to inform you that the next edition of the Journal of Legal Medicine will be published by early February. Dr. Amirala Pasha, our Editor-in-Chief, has done a remarkable job leading the journal, and I am grateful for Amir’s continued dedication to our premier publication.


Looking toward 2026, I’m thrilled to share that Arizona State University is reviewing our Memorandum of Understanding for our 2026 Annual Conference in Phoenix, Arizona, to be held on March 6-8, 2026. I extend my deep appreciation to Dr. Amir Pasha for his leadership as Chair of the 2026 Annual Conference – I’m confident it will be another excellent gathering of legal medicine scholars and colleagues.


As we prepare for this year’s conference in Houston, I am deeply grateful to Dr. Hamid Latifi for his tireless efforts in organizing the 2025 Annual Conference. We promise to give Hamid his life back after the conference! His dedication to assembling an outstanding lineup of speakers and timely topics is truly appreciated. I would also like to extend my thanks to Dr. Jan O’Dell, Chair of the Dental Conference, for organizing this important part of the conference. Jan’s leadership extends far beyond the Dental Conference, as her relentless dedication has been instrumental to the success of our conference in many ways.


As a reminder, the early bird registration deadline for the 2025 Annual Conference at the Hilton University of Houston is rapidly approaching on February 3, 2025. Please register today and join us for our signature event, taking place on February 28 to March 2, 2025. In addition, we will host a pre-conference Career Panel on February 27, 2025 from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM at the University of Houston Law Center.

As you all know, the conference will offer CME, dental CE, and CLE all in one event, along with included breakfasts, luncheons, a cocktail reception, and a dinner banquet. If you have not registered, sign up today and join our legal medicine colleagues in Houston!


I’m honored to spotlight two exceptional ACLM Fellows whose diverse and distinctive backgrounds highlight the wide array of talents and experiences that make our College so vibrant and multifaceted.

Raymund C. King, MD, JD, FCLM
Dr. Raymund King’s journey is one that beautifully intertwines the fields of medicine, law, and entertainment. Raymund worked his way through college and medical school as a professional magician and concert violinist, demonstrating his early ability to balance diverse interests. After practicing medicine for 10 years as an Otorhinolaryngologist in Oklahoma City, Raymund made a life-altering decision: the week after he treated victims of the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995, he applied to law school and embarked on a law career.

For the past 25 years, Raymund has specialized in corporate healthcare and entertainment law. He has structured and developed numerous healthcare corporate entities, including ambulatory surgery centers, urgent care centers, stand-alone emergency rooms, and healthcare management services organizations, all with a focus on regulatory compliance. His work in healthcare law has had a significant impact on the industry, helping create sustainable and compliant healthcare entities.

On the entertainment side, Raymund has represented prominent actors, directors, and producers, negotiating deals with major studios like Sony Pictures and major networks including the Oprah Winfrey Network and Discovery. His expertise has also led him to work on settlements with organizations such as the Directors Guild of America. In addition, Raymund has produced 24 films, many of which have supported charitable causes dear to his heart.

As an actor, Raymund has appeared in 27 films, and has performed in Broadway-style musicals. In 2024, he was nominated for best supporting performer in a musical by Broadway LA for his role in the comedy musical “A Very Die Hard Christmas,” which was featured in Los Angeles and London last December. This musical will be premiering off-Broadway in New York City in December 2025.

Raymund is also a co-founder of Mariposa King Studios (“MKS”), based in Albuquerque, New Mexico, which focuses on producing inspirational films. He then re-established MKS in Plano, Texas to create a production hub locally, and most recently formed Kappa Distribution in collaboration with Kappa Studios of Burbank, California, a company focused on distributing faith-based and family-oriented films. Currently, Kappa Studios edits shows like “The Chosen” and has edited films like “God’s Not Dead” and “Reagan.”

Raymund’s achievements extend to his literary work as well. He has published five books, and most recently released an autobiography entitled The Tapestry of Life (available on Amazon, Kindle, and Audible), which chronicles his remarkable journey.

Raymund is a past member of the ACLM Board of Governors and will speak at the upcoming Annual Conference on the ethics of medical, legal, and dental professionals opining on social media. During our 2025 Annual Awards Banquet in Houston, he will be entertaining our guests with his musical improvisation group, Musical DiComedy.

Maya Alexandri, JD, MD, FCLM
Dr. Maya Alexandri is a remarkable physician, attorney, and accomplished author whose diverse background truly embodies the distinctive qualities of ACLM Fellows. Currently practicing emergency medicine at the Carl R. Darnall Army Medical Center at Fort Cavazos in Killeen, Texas, where she is an ultrasound fellow, Maya also serves as a Captain in the U.S. Army Medical Corps. Her steadfast dedication to service is highlighted by her receipt of the U.S. Army’s prestigious Health Professions Scholarship.

In addition to being a physician and attorney, Maya is certified as an EMT in Maryland and is a member of a fire department in Maryland. She has always been passionate about healthcare and service, which is reflected in her extensive volunteer work with organizations like the International Rescue Committee, Watoto Wa Kwetu Trust (a children’s art workshop in Kenya), and Chase Brexton Healthcare.

Maya is also an accomplished writer. Her collection of short stories, The Plague Cycle, was published in 2018, and her novel, The Celebration Husband, was published in 2015. She is also an active literary voice, with short stories featured in journals such as The Forge and The Stockholm Review of Books. In 2016, Maya helped organize Amplified Cactus, an inter-disciplinary arts series in Baltimore.

As an attorney, Maya has worked across multiple sectors, including public, private, academic, and non-governmental organizations in the U.S., China, India, Nepal, and Kenya. Her work has focused on advocacy, strategic advising, research, writing, and network development.

Maya has won the ACLM Orr Post-Doctoral Writing Competition in both 2023 and 2024, and she will speak at our upcoming Annual Conference on the role of EMTALA in abortion.


I promise this will be the last time I remind you of the importance of renewing your membership. As a not-for-profit organization, ACLM relies on membership dues to fund our educational programs, publications, and overall mission. Your continued support allows us to be the global beacon of legal medicine excellence. If you haven’t renewed your membership yet, please do so today to remain an integral part of our College and help drive the continued success of ACLM.


I would like to extend my deepest and most sincere gratitude to Past President Dr. Sandy Sanbar for his exceptional leadership and enduring dedication as the Editor of the Legal Medicine textbook. Under his leadership, the 8th edition was published in 2024, a remarkable milestone. Sandy has been the guiding force behind this important work since the first edition in 1988, and his vision and commitment have shaped its legacy over the years. Additionally, his devoted leadership in chairing the A Day with the Judges conferences for 37 years ─ from 1986 to 2023 ─ has left an indelible mark on our College, enriching our College in many ways.

I am deeply grateful to our CMS management team ─ Ted Kanellakes, Megan Whalen, and Patrick Derse ─ whose tireless behind-the-scenes efforts ensure that ACLM operates smoothly and efficiently.

Likewise, I extend my profound gratitude to Dr. Bob Buckman, Past President Dr. Tony Quang, and Dr. Chandler May for their expert guidance of our investments, ensuring our financial health and long-term sustainability. I’m thankful for the insightful and encouraging conversations I’ve had with Dr. Bob, Tony, and Chandler, which have been extremely valuable in guiding our path forward.

I am also thankful to Dr. Ellia Ciammaichella for her pivotal role in transitioning our web management in-house, saving our College valuable resources. In addition, Ellia now leads ACLM’s AMA advocacy efforts, along with Dr. Elizabeth Valencia.

My deep appreciation goes to Past President Dr. Richard Wilbur for his many years of service as our AMA Delegate. His dedication has paved the way for Dr. Ciammaichella to step into this important role this year, and I am confident she will carry on this work with the same dedication and excellence.

A sincere thank you to Past President Dr. Bruce Seidberg, whose visionary leadership created our esteemed dental conference and whose wisdom continues to guide and inspire many of our current College leaders.

I also want to express my deep gratitude to Past President Dr. Joe Piorkowski. I truly miss the conversations we shared and I will always be thankful for the example he set as an exceptional leader. Thank you as well to Past President Dr. Monique Anawis for extending the opportunity to me many years ago to serve on the Board of Governors, which became the starting point for my various roles within the College.

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Richard Kelly and Mary Kelly for their outstanding efforts in organizing our major events in 2024. The time, effort, and dedication they invested in the 2024 Annual Conference in San Diego, as well as the 2024 AI in Healthcare online symposium, are deeply appreciated.

Thank you to Dr. Santos Ruiz Cordero for his leadership as Chair of the Amicus Committee, which is currently handling a pending request for an Amicus Brief.

I’m also thankful to Past President Dr. Jack Snyder for representing ACLM as our official speaker at the 2024 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian College of Legal Medicine.

And speaking of the Australasian College of Legal Medicine, I would like to extend my gratitude to Prof. Mike O’Connor, President, Dr. Adam Griffin, Immediate Past President, and Jayelle Conway, for going the distance in strengthening the partnership between our two organizations and advancing legal medicine globally.

Thank you to our colleagues from the American Board of Legal Medicine, led by Dr. Peter Rheinstein as Chair, and Dr. Sandy Sanbar, Executive Director, for their collaboration with ACLM. Please join the ABLM informational session mentioned above to help further strengthen our partnership with ABLM.

I also want to take a moment to express my appreciation for our distinguished speakers at our upcoming Annual Conference in Houston. Their expertise and commitment are integral to the success of our event, and we are fortunate to have them as part of our College.

At this point, I would like to express my deep gratitude to the Executive Committee ─ Dr. Jennifer Sullivan, Dr. Richard Kelly, Dr. Jan O’Dell, and Dr. Eli Avila ─ for their steadfast commitment, exceptional dedication, and visionary leadership. Our monthly EC meetings have been instrumental in shaping our progress, and I truly value the collaborative effort and insight each of them brings to the table.

Also, my sincere appreciation to our Board of Governors for their wise counsel and earnest support, which play a crucial role in advancing our mission and cementing our collective success.

As my term as President draws to a close, I want to give my heartfelt gratitude to President-Elect Dr. Jennifer Unis Sullivan, who has been not only my trusted confidante but also my co-pilot in leadership. Moreover, since January 1, 2024, we welcomed 70 new Fellows and Members to our College, thanks to her thorough work in managing the approval process. I am confident that under Jennifer’s leadership, the College will continue to reach new heights. Her vision and plans for our mid-year meeting at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh this October are already in motion, and I know she will guide our College with distinction and excellence as she begins her term in March.

Finally, I’m incredibly thankful to my wife, Dr. Chie Vinluan, whose unwavering support has been my foundation throughout my ACLM journey. From the late-night meetings to the missed dinners, Chie has always been understanding and encouraging. Without her by my side, I would not have accomplished much, and I’m deeply thankful for her love and support.


While my term as President is coming to a close, I will remain actively engaged in the Executive Committee as the Immediate Past President. Moving forward, I will work on several projects, including helping to re-establish the ACLM Foundation, updating the ACLM History Book, and preparing the next edition of the Legal Medicine textbook.  

Thank you all for the trust, camaraderie, and commitment you’ve shown throughout my presidency. It has been a truly humbling experience, and I look forward to continuing our work together to further the mission of ACLM.

With sincere appreciation,

Michael Vinluan, MD, JD, FCLM